Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Starting her room!

When I told Samantha (our 16yr. old) about our intention to adopt...she squealed, "where will she stay? OH!! she will stay in my room!!!!", as she was jumping up and down on our bed in excitement.  So cute! So we are starting on her room, or should I say, 'their' room.

Before we get to the pictures....I have a sweet item to share....we have had 2 beds in Sam's room for about one year....funny how God prepares you and provides.  During all of our prayers and considerations about adopting, we have had that extra bed just waiting for her...I have totally imagined a dark haired little girl running around as well.  Just amazing.

Sam is totally gutting her room and so far the following is what we have going on....

Sam is working on moving several stacks of books so that she can take a shelf out of the room to make room for a dresser.  Her and her books....she is totally going to be a writer...and a reader....forever!
The white shelf on the right will be leaving...and going in our rummage sale.
Part of the room that Sam will be going through yet! except the tall white shelf in the back...she did that already.
Kaylee's shelf that we will move, maybe paint and set up pretty with books for her!  There are a few on the bottom yet...and I think Sam was giving her some beanie babies...that are on the top shelf.
Cute basket that we may use for her....or Sam will use...not sure yet!! Not even sure on colors for the room yet..I do kind of like these colors though....

 This shelf will be reorganized yet.
I look forward to the day when 2 pretty heads are on these pillows! :)
This part of Sam's side is officially done if you were to ask her.  It would be nice to keep with the colors of these curtains. They are pretty....however, we cannot paint per our anyone have ideas?
Can't wait to see her little feet in these shoes! :) 

A sweet, random picture that Sam made in Art Class this year! She has an awesome art teacher!! Thanks Mrs. Abner!:)

Piles of provision...clothes that may fit Kaylee!  :) thanks dear friends!

And.....a random picture of Sam!! :) Love you Sam!

So there you have it....the beginnings.  :)  Its so neat to see God provide and we are looking forward to the next few events to hopefully meet people that are following us that we have not 'officially' met in person yet and to see others that are so supportive and loving! 

June 10th...Spaghetti Dinner at Bridgepoint Church (Old YMCA), Valparaiso, IN from 5:30pm-8pm
July 1st and 2nd....Rummage Sale at VCA (message us if you want address)---taking donations anytime....possibly the following weekend as well.
Currently planning a Birthday Party Spa Bash for all the women and girls in our celebrate my birthday (June 19th) and Kaylee's birthday (May)...we are not sure what day/time yet, but are working on the details!! :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! You guys should look into some of those removable vinyl decals we were talking can add all kinds of color without painting. : )
